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Friday, April 1, 2011

Lead Me . . .

I love that song... "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real - It's been out for awhile now, and it amplifies the victory of hanging in there as a husband and wife through out all the trials we have been through, it amplifies my husbands desire to want to know God's word and be the man he has been called out to be, in this world, as a father, and husband and SO much more that God hasn't even revealed yet!  I loved this song even more so after seeing the artist and his wife talk about why it was written and the things they were going through ~ It describes such a desperate cry of many families: a group of people thrown together with no spiritual leader, a mother and children who more than anything need a husband and father to guide the family.

God is amazing and inspiring - He makes all things new and beautiful - if we just let it all go and let Him, below is the artist interview and the video to the song... enjoy!

The story behind the song...

and the video...

I love it - Divorce is not an option for us, nor us... I don't know how Joseph & I made it so many years without God in our lives... He was there but we weren't ~ we didn't love Him, Honor Him, or give Him the praise that He like NO OTHER deserves - how faithful He is to work in the background to give us an invisible source of strength to keep pressing on. God is there everywhere at all times He knows when you will stop and bow down and declare Him as Lord, I am so thankful our time came when it did, He changed everything for the Good - because He is GOOD.

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